Cutting-edge Technology Development of Specialty Paper Chemical in Future

Publish time: 12th February, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      As we know, China is now the top paper making and consumption country in the world by volume. However, it is far from a powerful papermaking country which can be seen from the advanced paper equipment and high-end SPC. In China, the best paper equipment and SPC are imported or made by foreign enterprises in China and the application of SPC in paper is lower than the developed countries.


      CCM's second report edition, Future of specialty paper chemicals in future, which had been finished in July 2010 expatiates the insight of the cutting-edge technology developments as follow:


      -New requirement of SPC technology adoption roadmap


      -Sizing technology


      1.Summary of sizing technology


      2.Internal sizing


      3.Surface sizing


      -Retention and drainage technology


      -Water treatment technology


      1.Overall situation


      2.Reusing of white water


      3.Technologies for white water reuse


      -Deinking technology


      1.Introduction to the deinking technology


      2.Chemical deinking technology


      3.Biological enzyme deinking technology


      -Coating technology


      1.Overall situation


      2.Preparation of coatings


      3.Coating methods


      -Wet strength technology


      -Dry strength technology




      The aim of this research is to provide powerful assistance to the strategy group and the management team in making correct decision as how to penetrate the ever-increasing China market and how to catch the maximum commercial opportunities



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